Complete protection of solar park installations.
Photovoltaic systems have shown rapid growth in recent years. It is necessary to have security systems installed in the photovoltaic parks in order to prevent and prevent catastrophic interventions in the facilities, as well as theft of equipment.
The solution we propose is the installation of an alarm system with detectors, CCTV circuit with cameras and recorders. So we can have real time monitoring of the installation. We can also connect the alarm system to our Signal Reception Center. Guard Security has all the necessary equipment for guarding photovoltaic systems.
In case of operation of a photovoltaic park of high power and corresponding area, as well as in the case that many smaller parks are installed in a point of a specific area, their storage solution is suitable, at night, with a guard (static storage), the who will be able to monitor the cameras from a local center and will intervene accordingly, on a case-by-case basis, and during the day, with remote electronic monitoring.